CPR & First Aid Anywhere Facilitator Binder

Format : eBook    |    Product Code : 15-1082    |    ISBN 13 : 978-1-61669-729-7_EN    |    Published Date : 2019-10-15


cover image of CPR & First Aid Anywhere Facilitator Binder


CPR & First Aid Anywhere Training Kit is designed to meet the needs of workplaces, community organizations, and universities and can be facilitated by anyone, anytime, anywhere. The kit contains everything needed to train 10 to 20 people at once in the lifesaving skills of CPR and first aid. Anyone can facilitate a CPR & First Aid Anywhere training session in less than one hour. During the training session, CPR and first aid skills are taught with the AHA’s researchproven practice-while-watching technique. Participants will practice on a Mini Anne® Plus manikin while observing a demonstration of the skills in the video. The kit comes complete with a facilitator binder that contains the facilitator guide, lesson plans, pre-test and post-test, and additional materials.

This video-based, classroom course teaches
• Adult Hands-Only CPR and AED
• Adult CPR With Breaths (Optional)
• Mild and Severe Airway Block: How to Help a Choking Adult (Optional)
• Child CPR and AED (Optional)
• Mild and Severe Airway Block: How to Help a Choking Child (Optional)
• Infant CPR (Optional)
• Mild and Severe Airway Block: How to Help a Choking Infant (Optional) 

These topics can be taught together or separately as stand-alone modules. 

Skills are taught using the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows participants to practice on a CPR training manikin while skills are demonstrated in the course video.

• Includes 16 pages of full-color images and text 
• The CPR & First Aid Anywhere streaming video is automatically included with the purchase of the CPR & First Aid Anywhere Facilitator Guide. 
• The CPR & First Aid Anywhere Facilitator Guide can be downloaded. The videos are only available to be streamed.
• The streaming video format allows facilitators to stream CPR & First Aid Anywhere videos with an internet connection.

Intended Audience:
The Facilitator Guide and Streaming Video are for use by AHA Instructors and facilitators of CPR & First Aid Anywhere classes. 

The CPR Course is intended for anyone who wants to learn CPR and prefer to learn in an Instructor-led or facilitated group environment. This course is for people who do not need a course completion card for a job or other requirements. This course is ideal for community groups, parents, grandparents, caregivers, schools and students, and others interested in learning how to save a life.