Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider Manual eBook
Format : eBook | Product Code : 15-3100 | ISBN 13 : 978-1-61669-404-3_EN | Published Date : 2016-03-30

The ACLS Provider Manual contains all of the information students need to know to successfully complete the ACLS Course. The ACLS Provider Manual is designed for use by a single user and as a student reference tool pre- and post-course. It is also used as a clinical reference. This manual includes the systematic approach to a cardiopulmonary emergency, effective team communication and the ACLS cases and algorithms. Topics covered include the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR; team dynamics and communication; systems of care; immediate post-cardiac arrest care; airway management; and related pharmacology. This manual also gives students access to a website containing additional information and reference materials to help them successfully complete the course.
A separate supplementary tool, the ACLS Digital Reference Card Set, is included with the purchase of the ACLS Provider Manual eBook. This reference card set is the electronic equivalent of the ACLS Reference Card Set.
NOTE: Prior to purchasing an AHA eBook for a classroom-based course, students should check with their Instructor or Instructor’s Training Center Coordinator to ensure that mobile devices will be allowed in the classroom.